With the run up in the market, and seeing all the posts about this and that ratio at or near all time highs, I have been thinking about changing our allocation to a more conservative one. We are roughly 55% domestic, 10 international , 10 bonds , and 25 cash. We are 55/51 and have around 4MM Net worth excluding primary home.
Still prefer to and also need to work for 5-6 years as we still have major college expenses coming up ( around 400K) , although I guess we might be ok if earlier retirement is in store for us. I expect our earnings to be roughly around 150K ( hopefully more) as long as both of us keep working. I expect our earnings to be enough for our expenses (excluding college)
Is the adage of ‘quitting when you have won the game’ applicable to our situation ? If so, Would it be prudent to go to approx 40 % stocks, and 60% in safer allocations ?
Still prefer to and also need to work for 5-6 years as we still have major college expenses coming up ( around 400K) , although I guess we might be ok if earlier retirement is in store for us. I expect our earnings to be roughly around 150K ( hopefully more) as long as both of us keep working. I expect our earnings to be enough for our expenses (excluding college)
Is the adage of ‘quitting when you have won the game’ applicable to our situation ? If so, Would it be prudent to go to approx 40 % stocks, and 60% in safer allocations ?
Statistics: Posted by Aena1 — Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:58 pm — Replies 4 — Views 190