I've recently turned 40. I'm a software engineer / tech lead. We have relatively high salaries. My job has long hours, and is often stressful.
Financially, our current mutual fund portfolio is $3.7M, with an additional $500K in home equity. Our yearly spending is about $80K not including mortgage principle and interest. We expect to complete paying off our mortgage in 3-5 years, so longer term spending per year is $80K-100K per year after mortgage is paid off.
My spouse and I have 1 young child. We are wondering if, in 3-5 years, I can find a more flexible job/career to allow more time with family, and to travel more as a family before our child becomes a teenager.
We are defining more flexible job/career as:
- 40 hours per week most weeks, so I can spend more time with family
- Greater ability to take time off. We love to travel as a family, and so would want to take 3 weeks of time off each year in one chunk. Also, we want to take a family trip of about 2 months long every 2-3 years. (Yes, I know 2 months away from a job is a lot, hence the problem)
- Still provides health insurance
- Ideally still leverages my existing skills, so not completely starting over in a brand new career
Does anyone have advice about which jobs/careers for software engineers to switch into that would allow for reasonable hours, flexible time off occasionally, and ideally would leverage my software engineering skills and team lead skills?
I've recently turned 40. I'm a software engineer / tech lead. We have relatively high salaries. My job has long hours, and is often stressful.
Financially, our current mutual fund portfolio is $3.7M, with an additional $500K in home equity. Our yearly spending is about $80K not including mortgage principle and interest. We expect to complete paying off our mortgage in 3-5 years, so longer term spending per year is $80K-100K per year after mortgage is paid off.
My spouse and I have 1 young child. We are wondering if, in 3-5 years, I can find a more flexible job/career to allow more time with family, and to travel more as a family before our child becomes a teenager.
We are defining more flexible job/career as:
- 40 hours per week most weeks, so I can spend more time with family
- Greater ability to take time off. We love to travel as a family, and so would want to take 3 weeks of time off each year in one chunk. Also, we want to take a family trip of about 2 months long every 2-3 years. (Yes, I know 2 months away from a job is a lot, hence the problem)
- Still provides health insurance
- Ideally still leverages my existing skills, so not completely starting over in a brand new career
Does anyone have advice about which jobs/careers for software engineers to switch into that would allow for reasonable hours, flexible time off occasionally, and ideally would leverage my software engineering skills and team lead skills?
Statistics: Posted by smith234 — Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:28 pm — Replies 4 — Views 613